We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect. ― Anaïs Nin
The Pangolin Review (launched on 8 January 2018) is a bimonthly literary publication. Each issue goes online the 8th of every other month.
By submitting to us, you give us permission to publish your work on the website. You will be given credit in all instances. We publish established writers, as well as beginners. The Pangolin Review is not a paying market, unfortunately. (Note please that the magazine works best in desktop version.)
> The Pangolin Review invites original and previously unpublished poetry. Send us only your best. We will be extremely selective.
> Poems should be up to 30 lines.
> Send 1 to 3 poems in the body of an email to: thepangolinreview@gmail.com
> A brief biography is appreciated. The subject line should read: The Pangolin Review/(your name). For eg, The Pangolin Review/Eve Smith.
> A photo of you (optional) can be sent to accompany your work.
> Rights revert to poets upon publication.
> Expect a timely response from the team of The Pangolin Review.
> We are reading submissions for Issue 20 which will be out on 8 January 2022. The issue will comprise 15-20 contributors.
Amit Parmessur
& The Pangolin Review Team