Issue 7 - 8 November 2018
2 Poems by Laure Charazac:
3 Poems by Gauri Dixit:
3 poems by Sadia Khan:
Cross Country and Reflection on a broken hip by Maryalicia Post:
A Music Is Made, I Am In My Mother’s Eyes and Refugee by Bharati Nayak:
A Shaking Tree by Ken Allan Dronsfield:
A Somber Walk by Antony King:
African and New Justification by Slavica Gadzova Sviderska:
Amour by Sanjeev Sethi:
An Incomplete Conversation, Dead Phone Line and Lost and Found by Anitha Devi Pillai:
Another Autumn by Daniel de Culla:
Apotheosis by Lydia Horvath:
Are We Free Like Butterflies by Tabassum Tahmina Shagufta Hussein:
Ars Poetica by Paul Kindlon:
bābilim by Somrita Urni Ganguly:
Beyond the Jesus by Shantanu Siuli:
Bones Piled by Oracles by Keith Moul:
Bouquet, Diadem and Inverness by Jonel Abellanosa:
Deserts of Deceit, The Star Gazer and Swimming in Darkness by Peter Magliocco:
Dewpoint, Ticks Optional, Old Age Desire and Archive by Carl Mayfield:
Drift, War and Rigor Appetit by Pat Ashinze:
Dubai Nights by Gabriel Don:
Echoes of my Heart and In Love with Mountains by Anindita Bose:
emptiness has a body by Michael Akuchie:
End of the Secret, She’s Wet and No More Censorship by Zvonko Taneski:
Eternal Blooms and I Am Thirsty, Mom by Dr. Santosh Bakaya:
Eventide, Euphoria and Endless by Nicole Surginer:
Failure, Angel Dancing and A Boat Afloat by Marc Carver:
Falguni by Moinak Dutta:
Flexible, Pull Me Back and Refrigerator by Monica Prince:
Follow Your Heart by Lynn Long:
Forgiveness by Megha Sood:
Found object by Joe Fearn:
Good Grief! by Marc Darnell:
Haiku Trio on Moon by Ann Chiappetta:
Haiku-Senryu trio by Roberta Beach Jacobson:
Healing Your Heart and The Dying Time by Linda Imbler:
Imagine, Birthday Present and This Morning by Joan McNerney:
In Another Dimension, We Are Making Love, Everything Is So Delicious, Daughter by Melissa Studdard:
In Spirit by Shpresa Ymeraj:
In the night by Lopamudra Mishra:
In your arms, Strangers and friends and Yearn to devour you by Madhumita Sinha:
Initials in the old oak tree and Love You by Aly O’Neill:
Invitation, Moon and Haiku by Maya Bhalla:
It Makes No Difference by Suchoon Mu:
Janus-faced goodbye by Dr Koshy AV:
Jump Rope For The Moon by Bebe Kern:
Kindling by Marcia J Pradzinski:
Laws and Mary by Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois:
Laws Are The Cuckolds, Alas by Duane Vorhees:
loev by Goodness Olanrewaju Ayoola:
lost, mutual understanding and no song, yet by Eliana Vanessa:
Mexican Dream, Cock and On the Bus by Danijela Trajković:
Moments of the Unknown by Ranko Pavlović:
Money Buys Happiness and Tears of The Sad Stars by Ahmad Al-Khatat:
Morning Infant, Whisper Skin and Drunken Breeze by Gopal Lahiri:
Mother by Michael H. Brownstein:
Murmurs, Candids and Dancer in Red by David Sabol:
My Life As Tinder by Don Kloss:
My Manifest on the Will of the Mind, Mezra the Vampire and Sleep Condition by Blagoje Savic:
My Present, Not Quite a Love Story and Perfect by Janet Cameron:
Never to die and When I met the saint by Saikat Majumdar:
New God and Parting by Octavio Quintanilla:
Night Steam Train by Joanna M. Weston:
Old Men Walk Funny by Michael Lee Johnson:
Palimpsest by Debarshi Mitra:
Phases of Realities, Salvation Is a Choice and Love’s Freedom by David Chukwudi Njoku:
Rays of Hope by Helga Gruendler-Schierloh:
Regret is Only for the Living by Ute Carson:
Restitution Mount Etna by Stefanie Bennett:
Robin Hood by Nels Hanson:
Runaways by Mike Fiorito:
shade by Frederick Andrew:
Shades of Gray, Tinge of Red by Wesley Sims:
Shaving by Vern Fein:
She Loves Me by James D. Casey IV:
Silent no More, Reading Poems and Our Playhouse by Ann Christine Tabaka:
Sleight of Hand by Tyler Robert Sheldon:
Stone Skipping, Lost Landscapes and A Portrait of You as a Set of Teeth by David Hanlon:
Strength by Madhu Jaiswal:
Sunset Boulevard by Anna Maria Dall’Olio:
tavernacle by Frederick E. Whitehead:
The Body Saga and forgetting by Mallika Bhaumik:
The Curious Bicycle by Arya Mukherjee:
The Frogs’ Role in All of This by John Grey:
The Motion of Cycles and The Crucible of Knowledge by James R. Campbell:
The Pelicans on Grasmere Lake (Washington Park, Denver) and Selfies on the Plane by Robert Cooperman:
The Platonic, The Warm Side A Lyric by Jagari Mukherjee:
The Sexton at the Graveside Service by Todd Mercer:
The Shadows of Secrets by Lynn White:
The Storm by Christiana Sasa:
The Tipping Point, The Middle of the Night in the Middle of the Bed and Extrication from a Narcissist on a
Sunday Afternoon by Jill Rachel Jacobs:
The Trigonometry of her Body by Pitambar Naik:
The Unmade Sea by Bob Goddard:
The Wicked Hound by Nadiir Gooljar:
The World Has Been Slumbering and Load Up Well by Stana Dinić Skočajić:
There is no more time by Trisha Rose:
Time and time again by Iulia Gherghei:
To a Coastline Tonight by Asha Gowan:
The Between by Patrice Boyer Claeys:
Torn, Clover and One Thing Leads to Another by Scott Thomas Outlar:
Transcribing and Dinner night by Ejiro Elizabeth Edward:
Twilight by Đorđe D. Sibinović:
Twin Plea and Without You by Kelly Beasley:
Unwanted Company and Caught in the web by Thalia Dunn:
Vacation and Earth Shoes by Adrian Slonaker:
Walt Whitman & William Blake Had Tea, Or Was It Coffee by Alan Britt:
Wayfaring, Admonitio and Flashback by Carl Scharwath:
What I am Learning, Alone in the Desert Hills by Tara K. Shepersky:
What Is This Thing Called Jazz by Michael David Saunders Hall:
When Conscience Kicked Him Hard by Ndaba Sibanda:
When you need me by Walid Abdallah:
Words by J. L. Smith:
You Must Pledge a Grinding Stone to Kernels by Shola Balogun:
You Were and Moya Lyubov (My Love) by Damiana Andonova:
The Oral Tradition, All Those Exiles and Each One a Genius by Leonard Orr:
Lights, Camera, Action by Katacha Díaz:
Тeeter-totter and Marketing Fraud by Nenad Trajković:
A Dream by Steven Blanco-Cazeaux: